The Buried Heads used to listen to a lot of ‘rave’ music in the 90’s. 2000’s. But for most of their adult life they’d stuck to song writing, ‘proper music’. Using these bits of kit is a great release for them, they say, a totally different way of working.

A lot of time is spent preparing, getting them in sync. Then creating sequences on each device, and testing performing with them live. The results are pretty abstract, really, compared to traditional music. When they’re all ‘singing’ together it’s magnificent.
The sounds they produce are monstrous, high fidelity. They are soon to try this kit out on a massive sound system, whether they can control these monstrous, wild animals all at once is another matter.
The dialogue samples are from the 1972 psychological horror movie, Images, by Robert Altman staring Susannah York. The below video was put together using VDMX