Out last week, on the 6th March, “Oulou”, by the Buried Heads is a bass-heavy short instrumental that ends in a psychedelic abyss. Sounds good on paper, right? But is it actually any good? Was it worth it? Is there a a need in the world for this type of thing? Does it have anything to say? The answer to some of those questions is no, while others, maybe.

The Heads refused to comment further on it, only replying “we’re sick of it!” via SMS. A source who knows the band, of which there are few, met with them in a miserable park. On the subject of “Oulou”, they said, through body language, not words, that they’re frustrated, that they just don’t have any energy or enthusiasm to promote it. Then, a group of passing children spontaneously, collectively began spitting at them, before running away, laughing.
“Oulou” by the Buried Heads is out now on all streaming platforms.