Obscure Picks is a feature where we choose a song or album that disappeared into obscurity the moment it was released. This week’s Pick is Endless Worry by Overparent: an instrumental, DIY Bedroom Synthpop masterpiece or, at least, piece.

Talking of pieces, Overparent is a 3-piece from Seattle, US. They formed after meeting in high school, finding they all spent most of their time worrying about things beyond their control.
In actual fact, it turns out Overparent is a made-up band. The images, of three young men on the song’s artwork, were sourced from the internet, and pixelated beyond recognition. Someone is clearly taking the piece. A play on words there…
So who is Overparent, then, if not the three men on the cover? It doesn’t matter. Or, the question is as unanswerable as to whether the tree that falls in the woods makes a sound when nobody is around, or not.
Those with a musical ear may notice the song doesn’t stay in the same key, instead moving up a note after each cycle. Such musical formulas do not make for a number one hit record, apparently.
Regardless, we believe this instrumental deserves its 2 minutes 28 seconds of the listener’s focus. Before it returns to endless obscurity. But not to worry, I’m sure they’ve moved on by now, and they’re all lawyers, or running businesses from Silicon Valley. If they were to actually exist, that is.
Overparent can be found on Soundcloud.
If you know of a band that has unfairly disappeared into obscurity, let us know.