Released so quietly last week, Like Everyone Else by Buried Heads appeared on all major streaming platforms on the 17th December 2023. You wouldn’t have known unless you follow them, and as of writing they have 5 followers on Spotify.
“Careful Steps” by (the) Buried Heads
Out on the 6th October 2023, “Careful Steps” by (the) Buried Heads is “DIY psychedelic bossa nova instrumental. It starts slow, then goes fast, then slow again, and then fast.”
“Easy Listening” by Buried Heads – [Release]
Today sees the release of a new Buried Heads song, Easy Listening. As the title suggests, the track is influenced by the easy listening genre, with hints of 60’s pop and psychedelia. A slow to mid tempo beat and jangly acoustic guitar sets a feel-good summer instrumental tone, while a fuzz-jazz guitar meanders to the […]
“Oulou” by (the) Buried Heads [Release]
Out last week, on the 6th March, “Oulou”, by the Buried Heads is a bass-heavy short instrumental that ends in a psychedelic abyss. Sounds good on paper, right? But is it actually any good? Was it worth it? Is there a a need in the world for this type of thing? Does it have anything […]
“Schizo” by The Buried Heads [Video] [Free Download]
The Buried Heads used to listen to a lot of ‘rave’ music in the 90’s. 2000’s. But for most of their adult life they’d stuck to song writing, ‘proper music’. Using these bits of kit is a great release for them, they say, a totally different way of working.
‘Seascape Phantoms’ by Buried Heads [Release]
About a year ago The Buried Heads were asked to produce music for a podcast, about a pioneering deep sea archaeologist. They took on the challenge, accepting that, if it wasn’t used, no worries, they’d still like to have a go. So in the course of a week they came up with 4 or 5 […]