Released so quietly last week, Like Everyone Else by Buried Heads appeared on all major streaming platforms on the 17th December 2023. You wouldn’t have known unless you follow them, and as of writing they have 5 followers on Spotify.

Times that number by the number of major steaming platforms, divided by the fact that they likely have no followers on those other platforms, and factoring in other factors, I think I’m the only person that knows about this song. It definitely qualifies as obscure. And if you want to impress people, you definitely want to work this one into a conversation because mentioning obscure music is so effing cool it hurts my fingers typing about it.
So, how would I describe ‘Like Everyone Else’ by Buried Heads?
It’s starts out a singy type song with strummed guitars, the words and meaning of the song are clear enough, i think. I interpret it as, someone suffering from boredom, who’s had enough of the city. Or maybe it’s more an existential crisis. Whatever. Then it goes into a slow electronic, beats, bass misery groove. Yes, it grooves like Monday morning on the tube to work having spent the weekend alone wanking. There’s a spoken, nasty, malicious, accusing sample repeated over and over: ‘you know what you are?’ , ‘you know what you are?’….
Then the listener is sent into a tailspin with eerie horror: layers of menace, tension, and distress, eventually letting go, revealing melancholic pain relief, before taking us into a tunnel, past a shit busker, then up some steps into a garage where a band practices instrumental rock that culminates into a lovely motif, which takes us to the ending: the first two minutes of this song was a bit miserable, but in a lighthearted way, the middle is a shit-show-collage, but this last minute, a lone plucky guitar meandering fills me with tears, stomach-terror and angst and i fear for the future. In a good way.
Happy holidays and I wish every person on this earth peace, love , happiness and fulfilment in 2024.
Support independent music by listening to ‘Like Everyone Else’ by Buried Heads (the) on your favourite streaming platform. Or, ideally, purchasing from Bandcamp.
Bandcamp | YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify | Deezer | Pandora | TiDAL | Amazon